Corporate finance is an introductory course required for all MBA students. It is designed to cover those areas of finance that are important to all managers, whether they specialize in finance or not. At the end of the course, you will be able to value a firm. To reach this goal, the course covers the following topics: 1. Introduction to frameworks for firm valuation (enterprise DCF and multiples) 2. Multiple valuations 3. Free cash flows (definition, projections) 4. Residual value 5. Weighted average cost of capital 6. Optimal capital structure The course will consist of approximately one‐half lecture and one‐half in‐class case discussions, for which students should prepare carefully. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of sound theoretical principles of finance and the practical environment in which financial decisions are made.
Division: Finance
Curriculum Pathway: Climate


Complete ANY of the following Courses

Fall 2024

B5302 - 001

B5302 - 002