The course will describe the major players in Debt Capital Markets, key institutions, broad empirical regularities, and analytical tools that are used for pricing and risk management. Some parts of the course will be analytical while others will be largely institutional. Each session will be organized around one or two key topics. In addition, class notes will be used to supplement and clarify issues. Some selected papers will also be kept in Canvas to serve as background reading for class discussions.Outline of Key Topics:- Overview of Debt Securities: What are debt securities? What are their sources of risk and return? Historical performance of fixed income securities. - Major players and their functions: United States Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, Primary Dealers, Inter-Dealer Brokers (IDB), Rating agencies, Sell-side and Buy-side institutions. - Bond mathematics: a) price and yield conventions, b) PVBP, Duration (modified, effective and key-rate), convexity, and negative convexity. Trading applications: spread trades, bullet vs barbell positions. - Term Structure Theory: Spot rates, forward rates, par yields, modeling interest rates and pricing bonds. - Structural models of default: Modeling credit risk, credit spreads and their behavior, Distance to default, forecasting rating changes, high-yield and investment-grade debt markets - Government, Agency and Corporate markets - Municipal markets - MBS: Structure of MBS markets, prepayments, Option Adjusted Spreads, Pass-through securities, REMICs, risk measures - Asset-backed markets - Derivatives: Treasury futures, Interest Rate Swaps, and Single-name credit default swaps - Clearinghouses vs exchanges vs OTC markets
Division: Finance
Complete ANY of the following Courses
Fall 2024
B8308 - 001
Part of Term
MBA - Full Term
Section Syllabus
No Syllabus
Section Notes
Attendance at the first class is mandatory for all enrolled students and those on a waitlist or who hope to add the class during Add/Drop. Please note that this course has a make-up date on Friday, September 6 only.
Fall 2023
B8308 - 001
Part of Term
MBA - Full Term
Section Syllabus
Download Syllabus
Section Notes
Attendance at the first class is mandatory for all enrolled students and those on a waitlist or who hope to add the class during Add/Drop.
Please note that this course has a make-up date on Friday, September 8 only.