Real estate accounts for one third of the capital assets around the world. The real estate sector is ripe for change, being famous for its historical lack of capacity for deep and continuing innovation. The internet, mobile telephony, and ability to collect and process big data have enabled a boom in technology-based solutions applied to nearly all areas of real estate. In 2017, venture investors deployed over $5 billion in real estate technology, more than 150 times the amount invested in 2010. Once a sector ignored by the venture industry, real estate tech has come front and center, producing two of the three most valuable startups in the United States, WeWork and Airbnb.
Division: Finance
Center/Program: Paul Milstein Center for Real Estate
Complete ALL of the following Courses
Fall 2023
B8341 - 001
Part of Term
MBA - Full Term
Section Syllabus
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Section Notes
Attendance at the first class is mandatory for all enrolled students and those on a waitlist or who hope to add the class during Add/Drop.
B8341 - D01
Start/End Time
Wednesday 09/05/2023 - 12/08/2023 2:20PM - 5:35PM TBA