The primary objective of this course is to provide you with a comprehensive
understanding of the significant economic, strategic, and regulatory aspects involved in financing
innovations within the healthcare industry. In the first half of the course, you will be introduced
to the risk-return proles and market failures specific to the biopharma industry. Additionally, we
will explore the integral roles played by various financing channels, including government funding,
non-prot organizations, venture capital, and mergers and acquisitions, in driving the innovation
process. The second half of the course will focus on examining the distinctive financial characteristics of U.S. hospitals and analyzing how external financing impacts healthcare quality and
technology adoption.
Division: Finance
Center/Program: Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Management Program
Curriculum Pathway: Healthcare
Complete ALL of the following Courses
Spring 2025
B8356 - 001
Start/End Time
Monday, Wednesday 03/24/2025 - 05/02/2025 2:20PM - 3:50PM Kravis 690
Spring 2024
B8356 - 001
Part of Term
MBA - B Term
Section Syllabus
Download Syllabus
Section Notes
Attendance at the first class is mandatory for all enrolled students and those on a waitlist or who hope to add the class during Add/Drop.
Start/End Time
Monday, Wednesday 03/18/2024 - 04/26/2024 9:00AM - 10:30AM Kravis 620