This course comprises three main pillars: . Intellectual content provided by Professor Capon; . Hands-on decision-making via the Digital Markstrat simulation. Your team competes against five other teams in a dynamic, evolving market. . Develop market strategy and implementation plan for an Entrepreneurial Start-up – you will meet and advise the CEO/Founders. This capstone market strategy course is especially designed for full-time MBA, MS, and EMBA students. Advanced Market Strategy is offered in both an intensive block-week, and half semester format. The course builds upon core marketing courses – B6601, B7601, but these courses are not prerequisites. The course goal is to prepare students to make, or support those who make, critical strategic marketing decisions in today’s modern corporation – established firm and entrepreneurial start-ups. The environment firms face today is increasingly complex and fast changing. Hence, the core job of marketing -- attract, retain, grow customers; earn profits; survive and grow, increase shareholder value -- is ever more important, but ever more difficult. Clear thinking and decisive decision-making are important currencies for practicing managers and entrepreneurs. In increasingly difficult environments, thoughtful leaders/managers can construct substantial numbers of strategic options. A critical consequence of this variety is that leaders/managers must learn how to allocate and concentrate available resources. This task is particularly challenging for marketing executives, positioned at the crucial interface between senior management -- with its diverse mix of motives and responsibilities -- other functional areas, customers, and the constantly evolving external environmental forces. To secure differential advantage, market strategies and implementation plans must be data-driven, analytically based, comprehensive, actionable, flexible; but also understood and supported by senior management. With such diverse requirements, it is unsurprising that many well-conceived market strategies and implementation plans/programs fall far short of achieving their objectives. Advanced Market Strategy is designed to help you develop the knowledge, skills, abilities (KSAs) necessary to create and implement market strategy. We emphasize planning for a three-year time horizon. You receive hands-on experience in using well-developed processes to create market strategy and plan execution. Course content is particularly relevant for students who seek responsibility for developing, supporting, executing, and/or assessing market strategy as owners, employees, consultants. Specific course objectives include: • Provide insight into market strategy development roles at high organization levels; • Enhance KSAs necessary to understand and apply critical frameworks, concepts, methods for developing effective market strategy; • Gain practical experience in applying systems, processes to develop market strategy; • Discuss internal and external barriers to strategy implementation, approaches for overcoming these barriers; • Enhance skills in verbal and written persuasive communications.
Division: Marketing

Fall 2024

B8620 - 001

Fall 2023

B8620 - 001